residents of Cape Clear Island

Eolas d'Oileánaigh -Islander information

Cónaí ar Oileán Chléire- residents of Cape Clear Island

Eolas D'Oileánaigh - Islander information

Tugann Cape Clear Ferries tús áite do chónaitheoirí Oileán Chléire. Coimeádtear spásanna d’oileánaigh ar bord gach seoladh. The residents of Cape Clear Island are a priority for Cape Clear Ferries. We always keep spaces on board each sailing for islanders.

Mar sin féin, moltar daoibh spás a chur in áirithe roimh ré – le linn na mbuaicséasúir – chun deimhin a dhéanamh de go gcoimeádfar spás dóibh. Tá ticéad 10 dturas ar fáil chomh maith, atá an-áisiúil do theaghlach agus cairde – nó éinne a thagann chun an oileáin go minic. However, we do recommend that you book ahead – during busy seasons – to ensure your space is kept. We also have ten-trip tickets that are particularly useful for family and friends – or anyone regularly traveling to the island.

Díreach tar éis Bogadh go dtí an Oileán - New to the island?


Más cónaitheoir lán aimseartha nua tú ar an oileán, bí i dteagmháil linn chun “hello” a rá. If you are a new full-time resident to the island, please get in touch to say hello!

Ba bhreá linn fáilte a chur romhat go hOileán Chléire chun cinntiú go bhfuil aithne againn ort agus tú ar seoladh Cape Clear Ferries.We’d love to welcome you to Cape Clear Island and ensure we know you when sailing with Cape Clear Ferries.

Is féidir dul i dteagmháil linn ag nó glaoch a chur orainn ar 028-39159. Cuir glaoch ar 086-3465110 chun dul i dteagmháil dhíreach leis an mbád. You can get in touch on or by calling us on 028 39159. You can contact the boat directly by calling 0863465110

Feithiclí - Vehicles

Ní féidir le Cape Clear Ferries gluaisteáin ná aon fheithicil eile a iompar. Tá cead rothair agus cadhcanna a thabhairt ar bord ar costas €2 an rothar/an cadhc, ach tá áirithint roimh ré riachtanach.”Cars and other vehicles cannot be carried on Cape Clear Ferries. Bicycles and kayaks are permitted on board at a cost of €2 per item but must be booked in advance.

Aimsir -Weather

De bharr gur oileán é Oileán Chléire, is minic a bhíonn an aimsir éagsúil le haimsir na mórthíre. Cliceáil anseo chun réamháisnéis na haimsire is déanaí a fháil. Because of Cape Clear Island’s the weather is often different to that on the mainland of Ireland. For up-to-date weather information, please click here.

Praghsáil Lasta - Cargo Pricing

Bíonn an lasta ar fad á iompar ó Dhún na Séad, agus ar seoltaí sceidealaithe amháin. Is oth linn a rá nach féidir linn lasta a iompar ar seoltaí an Domhnaigh – ach amháin i gcásanna éigeandála. All cargo is carried from Baltimore only and on scheduled sailings. We regret that cargo cannot be carried on Sunday sailings – except in emergencies. You can check out our sailing timetables here.

Liostáiltear praghsáil iompar lasta thíos chomh maith. Baineann na praghasanna thíos le turas aontreo/singil. I gcás nach bhfuil earra ar an liosta, socrófar an costas trí chostas earra cosúil leis a chur air. Má tá aon cheist agat maidir le lasta, bí i dteangbháil linn. Cargo pricing is all listed below. All cargo charges listed are one-way only. Where an item is not listed, the charge will be determined by a similar item which is listed. If you have any queries on cargo charges, please contact us at

General Pallets

Pailléid Ghinearálta - General Pallets

1 Ton€14.50
2 Ton€24.50
½ Ton€8.00
¾ Ton€11.00
Small wheelie bins€5.50
Large wheelie bins€11.00
One ton bags€14.50
½ bags or lighter (firewood etc.)€8.00

Earraí Tí - Household

Bags of potatoes, Fruit/Veg box, Briquettes, Jerry cans or Gallon cans€0.70
Boxes under 15kg€0.70
Boxes over 15kg€1.10
Freezer, Cooker, Roll Carpet/Vinyl, furniture item, ladder, small lawn mower€5.50
Garden Shed, Headstone€22.00
Small Generator, ride on lawn mower, 32″ television or larger€11.00
3 piece suit€11.00
Kitchen Chair€1.25


Earraí Tógála - Building

PlasterBoard (8 * 4tr)€1.30
Radiators small€2.80
Stairs Single€11.00
Stanley/solid fuel range€27.50
Box tiles€1.10
Timber (€22 per ton)€1.25 per item
Wall insulation/plywood /Aero board€1.30
Waste pipe€1.30
Cement mixers (small)€16.50
Barrels of tar€11.00
Bathroom suite€16.50
Cement mixers (Large)€22.00
Cement/Lime skim coat€0.70
Copper cylinder€5.50
Cop Doors€2.20
Pipes (per item)€0.70
Fitted kitchens (Single)€33.00
Generator (large)€27.50
Hollow core slabs€16.50
Kitchen worktop€11.00
Large kitchen cabinets€11.00
Plastic attic tank€3.30
Reinforcing Iron bars (€22 per ton whichever is cheaper)€1.30
Reinforcing mesh 8×4 sheets€5.50
Rolls of felt€2.20
R .Sink & pedestal€5.50
Rolls of fiberglass€1.10
Slates (per thousand)€22.00
Sewerage Tank€33.00

Earraí Feirmeoireachta - Farming

Bailer wrap Single€1.10
Cattle Box€11.00
Cattle Feeder€5.50
Chickens, ducks (in boxes)€1.10
Feedstuff, nuts, meal€0.70
Fertiliser, lime, moss peat€0.70
Mowing machine€11.00



Kegs of beer€11.00
Bales of cardboard (per pallet)€11.00
Cases of beers/ minerals / cigarettes/ ice cream€0.70
Cases of spirits/wine€1.10
Small Trailer (Single)€11.00
Small Trailer (Return)€22.00

Earraí Iascaireachta - Fishing

Lobster pots€0.70

Comharchumann Chléire Teoranta /Cape Clear Cooperative

Bunaithe i 1969, tá Comharchumann Chléire Teoranta (CCTeo) dírithe ar fhorbairt soch-chultúra agus eacnamaíoch phobal an oileáin agus ar inbhuanaitheacht an phobail chéanna. Bíonn sé á reáchtáil ag coiste deonach a bhíonn tofa ag Cruinniú Cinn Bliana gach bliana.

Soláthraíonn CCTeo a lán bunséirbhísí mar dhíolacháin breosla – gual, gás, peitreal agus díosal – agus bainistíonn sé roinnt áitribh ar an oileán – oifigí agus mol digiteach áitiúil san áireamh.

Reáchtáileann sé Club Chléire, chomh maith le hOifig Tuarasóireachta agus Siopa Ceirde Oileán Chléire, an tseirbhís bus leictreach agus Lárionad Oidhreachta Oileán Chléire. Chun dul i dteagmháil le Comharchumann Chléire Teoranta, cuir glaoch ar 028-39119 nó cuir ríomhphost chuig”

Established in 1969, Cape Clear Cooperative is focused on the social cultural and economic development of the island community and ensuring its sustainability. It is run by a voluntary committee who are elected every year at an AGM.

The Co-op provides many basic services such as fuel sales – including coal, gas, petrol and diesel – and manages a number of premises on the island including offices, the local digital hub.

It also runs Club Chléire , the Cape Clear Tourist Office and Craft Shop, the island electric bus service and the Cape Clear Island Heritage Centre. To contact Comharchumann Chléire Teoranta, call 028 39119 or email